

Profile Picture 1

Hi! I'm Ricki

a passionate

Changing Text Example

based in Denmark

Logo - Vertical Words: The text is stacked on top



Graphic Design

I create designs which I design carefully and with care. Designs that are what you make it to be. Anything from clear simple telling icons to large intricate artistic designs. To realize these designs, I will use every tool I possibly can. Draw sketches in books and Procreate, Vectors in Illustrator and Blender for 3D components.

Graphic Design icon used for visual representation
UI/UX icon used for visual representation


UI / UX Design

I use Figma or Adobe XD to turn ideas into a digital well-designed product. Everything from wireframes to prototypes. I create user-friendly interfaces and well-crafted experiences that will keep the audience captivated. No Design is over before proper and thorough testing to ensure the best possible experience.


Website Design

I combine my creative skills with website programming as well. Either by giving no-code solutions to ideas, a fully coded solution with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React or A mix. I strive to deliver precise designs and best possible responsiveness, with captivating animations and great SEO to increase audience numbers.

Web Design icon used for visual representation

General Design Process

Know Them
Define Problem
Inform Myself
Develop Solution
Gather Feedback
Create Iterations
Imagine a white Vertical Spacer that separate the icons from the text.
Imagine a white Vertical Spacer that separate the icons from the text.
Imagine a white Vertical Spacer that separate the icons from the text.
Imagine a white Vertical Spacer that separate the icons from the text.
Imagine a white Vertical Spacer that separate the icons from the text.
Imagine a white Vertical Spacer that separate the icons from the text.

01 Know Them

I start by gather insight, data and requirements from the source about the project. With this I can make informed decisions. Proper groundwork is important to create successful solutions.

02 Define Problem

It is key to understand the challenges of the project. I delve deep into the problem space where I define problem statements based on the goals and objectives of projects.

03 Inform Myself

I delve deep for design insight through thorough research. I obtain trends, best practices and collect inspiration which all help me to inform my designs.

04 Develop Solution

I am now armed with insight and ready to solve the problem. The creativity meets craftmanship. I make innovative solutions that addresses the defined problem head-on.

05 Gather Feedback

My designs need feedback. Collaboration is the only way to make excellent products. I seek feedback from the costumers and their users. Every perspective is valuable

06 Create Iterations

I will continue to improve the designs. Now that I am blessed with feedback, I iterate continuously and refine designs until the product is perfect for customers and users.

Portfolio Gateway

Graphic Design

Category Icons - Drawings


Category Icons - Websites


Category Icons - Photos

Latest Blog posts

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Major flaws in my review process
I have always liked writing and I have loved games since I was very young. Therefore, it became natural for me to give game reviews a whirl. Since I started, I have written approximately...
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Latest Reviews

Borderlands 2
So, this game is not bad I wanted to come up with a better title, but anything else would sound way too biased towards the game. Do not get me wrong. The game is probably the best...
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Terminator: Resistance
“No Fate” and sadly no future Terminator Resistance is a game that will get some fans filled with rage, but still be a hoot for others to play. If you expect a game like...
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Bright memory picture
Bright Memory
“You are not dark, you will be Bright” Sometimes through the dark a sparkling gem will appear. This time it is a beautiful little gem called Memory Bright. This game,...
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