A Deadnamed Heart

(Prototype 2)


You play as Crow D. A Transwoman. Someone who is tired of hiding who they are and have chosen to go out into the world and change exactly that. Through your journey you will learn more about Crow’s pas and the possible future.

In this prototype you will start in a small area with two friendly faces. These people will have quests for you and befriending them will earn you favours. A new dialogue system have been created to get more immersive convesations with NPCs. A second area have been added. Here you will fight swarms of enemies using the new combat controls and a secondary weapon. When you win the fight you have to solve a puzzle to finish the prototype. 

The focus of this prototype is experimenting with quest systems, relation system, better AI, puzzles and the most requested change: twin stick weapon control. Instead of pressing a button to attack, you can swing the ord around an hit enemies. The new weapon can be aimed with the joystick and launched, returning back after a hit. 


My contributions

UI Designer

The UI is made almost entirely by me. As this was a prototype the Menu UI was only made to be working and a proof of concept. The focus was put entirely on the GUI. A few parts wasn’t designed by me, such as the dialogue box. The Stamina bar, Hearts for th player and enemies, weapon slot and consumable slot was made entirely by me. The same goes for the credits and prompts. 

Front-end Programming

As programming is not where I am an expert I did not create the controls, AI or combat mechanics. However, I did infact program the menu system, Pause system, UI function for player character and enemies. I created a primitive audiomanager aswell. 

Foley Artist

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