Dania Games - Landing Page
Dania Games – The only danish academy specialising its student in videogame development, wanted to attract more potential students through a landing page that appeals to the right people. We designed a Landing Page that shows that games are in focus, with game related UI, gameplay from games made by students, Statements former students and more! [Job]
Matwijkiw's Creations - 1.0
Completing an education does not mean you get a job immediately. First you need to find a job and to do so you need to show possible employers what you are capable of. Showing your work. Creating this website is a part of my portfolio. I can make a website and that in itself have to be done well, to attract job opportunities. [Solo Project]
Maskless Games
Maskless Games – A starting indie game company that wanted to show off the reality of LGBTQIA+ people’s lives, with artistic styles and stories. As part of the company, I was in charge of Designing, building and maintain the official website. As a small company the website had to be unique. It had to be blog like a blog and with a fun childlike art style. [Solo Project]
Dania Games - Landing Page
Completing an education does not mean you get a job immediately. First you need a portfolio! - Re-design
Completing an education does not mean you get a job immediately. First you need a portfolio!
Matwijkiw's Creations
Completing an education does not mean you get a job immediately. First you need a portfolio!
Maskless Games
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